Popularidad de las Ediciones de La Voz de Galicia

La popularidad de las ediciones de La Voz de Galicia se puede estimar según las búsquedas que cada mes el público realiza en Google desde España. Para realizar esas estimaciones extraemos los datos de SEMrush. Palabra clave Volumen Porcentaje la voz de galicia a mariña 40500 18 la voz de galicia carballo 40500 18 la… Seguir leyendo Popularidad de las Ediciones de La Voz de Galicia

La Voz de Galicia A Mariña

La Voz de Galicia A Mariña es la edición que el diario La Voz de Galicia dedica a la comarca A Mariña o La Mariña Lucense. En esa edición se recogen cada día los artículos y noticias publicados sobre A Mariña. Búsquedas de La Voz de Galicia A Mariña Según los datos de SEMrush, la… Seguir leyendo La Voz de Galicia A Mariña

Foro IAG

El foro IAG que más actividad tiene en el 2023 es el foro IAG Investing. Le sigue el foro IAG PcBolsa y finalmente el foro IAG Rankia. El resto de los foros IAG que he revisado están inactivos en 2023. La noticia sobre la propuesta de eliminación de vuelos cortos ha generado en el foro… Seguir leyendo Foro IAG

Informative note about ChatGPT use

As of January 2023, Workalibur has made a significant step in the direction of utilizing cutting-edge AI-powered tools to aid in the writing process. ChatGPT, one of the largest language models available today, has been brought on as a research and writing assistant for all posts, articles, stories, and essays created by the company. This… Seguir leyendo Informative note about ChatGPT use

GAFAM leadership principles

In this post I fully reproduce my most recent conversation with ChatGPT. It discusses the leadership principles of each of the five largest technology companies. It also begins and ends with a summary of 10 principles made by ChatGPT. The first was done with the prompt: leadership principles. But the end did it having the… Seguir leyendo GAFAM leadership principles

Frequently Asked Questions about ChatGPT

This post is a guide to frequently asked questions about ChatGPT. The responses have been generated using ChatGPT as write assistant following Workalibur’s instructions. The most frequent questions or queries have been obtained with SEMrush. Therefore, these are the keywords or queries with the highest search volume at this time. Chat gpt app What is… Seguir leyendo Frequently Asked Questions about ChatGPT

30+ How to questions about Instagram

ChatGPT can become your assistant to answer frequently asked How to on Instagram questions. It can also be useful as a tutor if you are a beginner on Instagram. Whether you want to grow your following, optimize your profile, or just understand the ins and outs of the platform, this how to guide is here… Seguir leyendo 30+ How to questions about Instagram

10 AI Dungeon alternatives

In this post, we will explore 10 alternatives to AI Dungeon, each offering its own unique features and capabilities. From open-source tools to paid platforms, we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re looking to create your own text-based game, write interactive stories, or experience branching narratives, these alternatives provide a variety of options to explore. So,… Seguir leyendo 10 AI Dungeon alternatives

DeepAI text generator: The Future of Text Generation

In recent years, the field of artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in the area of natural language processing (NLP). One of the most exciting advancements in this field is the development of deep AI text generators. These models use deep learning techniques to analyze and generate human-like text, and have the potential to… Seguir leyendo DeepAI text generator: The Future of Text Generation

ChatGPT: Un generador de historias AI

(See the english version) ¿Eres escritor en busca de inspiración? ¿O tal vez eres un marketer buscando una nueva forma de contar la historia de tu marca? No busques más allá de ChatGPT, un generador de historias AI que te puede ayudar a crear historias interesantes y únicas con solo un clic. ChatGPT es un… Seguir leyendo ChatGPT: Un generador de historias AI