ChatGPT calidad y propósito del contenido en la era de la infoxicación

Te invito a analizar y comentar la siguiente reflexión de Workalibur: Ante la avalancha de contenido, estímulos visuales y sonoros que llamamos infoxicación, las personas se han adaptado y ya no leen, ni ven, ni escuchan detenidamente. Por el contrario, las personas han aprendido a consumir contenido que en definitiva es efímero y circunstancial y… Seguir leyendo ChatGPT calidad y propósito del contenido en la era de la infoxicación

Alucinaciones de ChatGPT sobre roscón borrachín o rosco borratxo

Esta es una entrevista realizada por Workalibur a ChatGPT-4 donde se pone de manifiesto lo que algunos llaman alucinaciones de la IA. Lee con cuidado esta información sobre el roscón borrachín o rosco borratxo. Porque el propósito es informar sobre la alucinación de ChatGPT, no sobre el roscón borrachín. ChatGPT alucina o generaliza Pregunta de… Seguir leyendo Alucinaciones de ChatGPT sobre roscón borrachín o rosco borratxo

Two stories of benefactors with assistance from ChatGPT

Two benefactor stories with the assistance of ChatGPT created from a prompt sent by Kiki a Workalibur reader. Prompt for ChatGPT generate story Create a story about a character who receives support from a benefactor Max´s benefactor a ChatGPT story There once was a young man named Max who had big dreams of becoming a… Seguir leyendo Two stories of benefactors with assistance from ChatGPT

Informative note about ChatGPT use

As of January 2023, Workalibur has made a significant step in the direction of utilizing cutting-edge AI-powered tools to aid in the writing process. ChatGPT, one of the largest language models available today, has been brought on as a research and writing assistant for all posts, articles, stories, and essays created by the company. This… Seguir leyendo Informative note about ChatGPT use

James’s controversial experiment

Once upon a time, there was a man named James who was absolutely certain that all human beings have leadership qualities. He believed that given the right conditions and opportunities, anyone could become a great leader. So, James enrolled in a company and worked hard to rise through the ranks. Eventually, he became the leader… Seguir leyendo James’s controversial experiment

Story with moral about leadership principles

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a leader named Max. Max was a kind and just leader who was loved and respected by all the villagers. However, Max was getting older and knew that he needed to pass on his leadership skills to someone else. One day, Max called upon all… Seguir leyendo Story with moral about leadership principles

GAFAM leadership principles

In this post I fully reproduce my most recent conversation with ChatGPT. It discusses the leadership principles of each of the five largest technology companies. It also begins and ends with a summary of 10 principles made by ChatGPT. The first was done with the prompt: leadership principles. But the end did it having the… Seguir leyendo GAFAM leadership principles

Frequently Asked Questions about ChatGPT

This post is a guide to frequently asked questions about ChatGPT. The responses have been generated using ChatGPT as write assistant following Workalibur’s instructions. The most frequent questions or queries have been obtained with SEMrush. Therefore, these are the keywords or queries with the highest search volume at this time. Chat gpt app What is… Seguir leyendo Frequently Asked Questions about ChatGPT

30+ How to questions about Instagram

ChatGPT can become your assistant to answer frequently asked How to on Instagram questions. It can also be useful as a tutor if you are a beginner on Instagram. Whether you want to grow your following, optimize your profile, or just understand the ins and outs of the platform, this how to guide is here… Seguir leyendo 30+ How to questions about Instagram

ChatGPT an story idea generator

In this post we explore the potentialities of ChatGPT as a story idea generator, story generator and story writer assistant. You will find story ideas of different genres including instagram story ideas and fan fiction stories. The post concludes with an assessment of ChatGPT about its potential that seems quite impartial and objective. 7 story… Seguir leyendo ChatGPT an story idea generator